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Site news archive

30.03.2003 Site moved to new location and the new design finally applied. Still no model updates though. In fact, I am still Morrowind-addicted... Please, wait a bit more, I will finish my NPC with all its dialogues, scripts, etc, and will return. Some static models in jDoom really need a bit of improvement :)
07.03.2003 Site cardinally re-designed using frames
Site is re-created in Mozilla composer from the scratch. Farewell, msWord!
26.02.2003 ModelPack mirrored on the new mirror and also updated from v2.9.0 to v2.9.2 - nothing new but corrected some compatibility issues.
26.02.2003 Model pack version numeration changed (which was called "MPU9" now is known as MP v2.9.0).
03.02.2003 I corrected bug in KS which lead to clipping controls by right window edge when msWindows display pitch is set to values higher than 96 dpi (so called "large fonts"). So, there's the 2.07. Also, Jow did the Finnish translation - it is included too (together with GothmoG's Polish translation).
02.02.2003 GothmoG did the Polish translation for KS2.06 andup.
01.02.2003 KickStart updated to v2.06 - at last, added multi-language support! (a template for Russian language is included as example).. Carefully read this: How to properly create KSL language templates, and send me your translations, for I uploaded them here - Because I'm sure that there are lots of DooMers from Deutschland, Holland, Ukraine, Finland, Poland and many, many other countries... :)
30.01.2003 KickStart updated to v2.05 - now the window is resizeable in both widtj and height. Also list of add-ons now is sorted alphabetically and can be displayed in two or more colums, depending on window width.
10.01.2003 Fixed bug in KS 2.03 with vanishing "Play" button - updated to v2.04
06.01.2003 KickStart updated to v2.03 - now it can skip all questions about WAD searching and glBSP running (look in the "Misc" tab - plus it is now possible to add multiple WADs or DEDs at once - plus the window become resizeable.
28.12.2002 Happy New Year, people!
28.12.2002 There was a bug in the "Tough" mod which caused a system crash after any Revenant been hit. Corrected 28.11.2002 17:00 GMT. If you downloaded it before that moment then download it again.
28.12.2002 Released "Tough" mod - a good trade-off between "Ultra-violence" and "Nightmare". Look "Alternate model packs and effects" section.
28.12.2002 I always suspected that they all were not just drawn but instead modelled of plasticine and then scanned - and at last I found  this evidence on the John Romero's website... Also look for Spider Mastermind  photo on  this page
13.12.2002 KickStart updated to v2.02 - some minor bugs fixed
13.12.2002 I decided to post here all 3 my WADs, which I created very long ago. Anyway, it's better than if they would lying on the dusty CD on the far bookshelf... Look "Alternate model packs and effects" section.
08.12.2002 Released patch #1 for MPU9. Cures missing skin in the yellow flame and alternate zombie's skinning problems
01.12.2002 Hi-res skin pack is updated to match new MPU9. Download it again if you using it!
01.12.2002 MPU9. Last update in this year. It does not contain anything new, but models and skins are optimized for faster loading (I hope this will work) and Baron of hell skins rearranged - now he don't needs hi-res skins anymore (trust me!), and idle animation is removed from Mancubus model.
Bad news is that WinRar cannot compress PNGs using its perfect multimedia compression algorithms, and total size of PNG pictures appears larger than if they were TGAs.. So full model pack now is more than 9 Mbytes in size, and I will not post separate "8 to 9" update pack because its size is not too much smaller than size of the full pack (because skins prevail).
22.11.2002 Repacked model pack using WinRar 3.0 - now it's again one single 8-Mb file.
22.11.2002 Released three BFG MODs and some bugfixes.
05.11.2002 I wrote MD2 viewer beta #1. You can find it at the Model designer's tools page. Volunteer guinea-pigs wanted to test this raw product, an find any possible bugs!
25.10.2002 KS2 beta#8. Should no more crash with latest Doomsday
16.10.2002 Fixed bug with the shotgun in MPU8
16.10.2002 Released MPU8. Includes: slightly enhanced pinkydemon with new tooths and horns, renewed shotguns,  right-hold weapons add-on (uses pistol, made by Abbs)  and FACED! add-on - player model to which you can apply your own face (of course, it requires some knowledge of working with Photoshop.. but not too hard.)
12.10.2002 Released 3d fireballs set#2 (aka That Famous Trails :) )... In fact it is just new particle generator definition set for the same models, so it requires the first set in order to run and is just 25 Kbytes in size.
10.10.2002 Released KS2 beta #7. There in the beta#6 was the not too dangerous but very annoying bug: all the options from the "Graphics" tab just didn't work. It is corrected now. Plus more complex compatibility checking: now you can't manually attach the DED or WAD file if it belongs to one or more add-ons.
04.10.2002 Today I received the 30th mail with crude attempt to implant the trojan into my computer. I can't recognize: either it is very smart virus, or very stupid hacker doing this?.. Because atack types vary from KLEZ virus in the mesage itself to attached files with foolish names like "goldfish.doc____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.pif" (I replaced here the spaces by the underline signs "_" just for clarity.)... Anyway, if I would use the Micro$oft full-of-holes software like OutlokExpress, or Windows Explorer, I would be in the big trouble. Fortunately, I don't use such shit.
If <this is a hacker's creative work> {Please, go and train on somebody else!} else {People, please check your machines with antivirus programs! It is impossible to detect the real sender of infected letters because KLEZ fools the mail servers and uses false sender adresses};
03.10.2002 Published KickStart documentation for MOD developers.
02.10.2002 KickStart2 beta versions are spawning as roaches... Now #6 is here... And it can run Boomsday now! (though, Boomsday profiles aren't included - I want them to be approved by the author). Plus few hidden bugs killed.
29.09.2002 SkyJake pointed me at the workaround for filenames with spaces: now when KickStat passes them to Doomsday or glBSP, it converts them to the old MS-DOS 8.3 format, which definitely contains no spaces... So, go and get the beta#5!
28.09.2002 I released the fourth beta version of KickStart 2 - now with WAD path checking.  Matter is that if path to WAD file contains spaces, Doomsday crashes (i.e. if you wil add "C:\My wads\Cool.wad" then Doomsday will die with yell "Files "C:\My" and "wads\Cool.wad" are not found!"). Now KickStart checks such cases and gives you a proper warning.
28.09.2002 There was a severe bug in the 3d fireballs pack - I misplaced the "Missiles" folder. Either download pack anew or manually move  the "Missiles" folder from "Md2\jdoom\" to "Md2\jdoom\fx"...
26.09.2002 Detected a bug in KickStart 2 beta#2 that will prevent you from attaching any add-ons to custom-created game profile... Released beta#3 with this bug corrected!
24.09.2002 Released 3d fireballs - in order to run they require KickStart 2. (You can, of course, as in old days attach this effect by manually adding the missiles.ded file to the list, but KickStart 2 gives you a much more elegant way of doing this)
24.09.2002 Released KickStart2 beta#2 - for full story look at corresponding section.
01.09.2002 I'm busy on my main work and all e-mail answers are delayed (probably, till 17.09.2002). All modelling activity is delayed till October.
26.08.2002 Released patch #1 for MPU7 that cures the squished player bug.
12.08.2002 Released Hi-res skin pack
12.08.2002 If you are one of those who experiences "invisible keys" bug, then please send me your "../run/jdoom/doomsday.out" file. Or try do following: go to "../md2/jdoom/item/" folder, then delete all folders it contains. If something will change, then e-mail me too.
10.08.2002 Experiment failed. There should be some other cause of this bug
09.08.2002 An experiment: if you experiencing "invisible keys" bug, try to download this modified items.ded file to "../defs/jdoom/" folder (in this version all  shiny effects are commented out), and see if it will help. I'll wait for your feedback.
08.08.2002 I know about the squished player bug in MPU7 - thank for your feedback, people. But right now I haven't time. Please wait a week or so - I'll release a little patch then.
06.08.2002 MPU7 is here! Enjoy!.. Also the structures of model pack and this site were significantly simplified - and excuse me for primitive web-design and ineffective HTML code, all my time I've spent on making models, none left to learn web-design tools better than msWord (as result, this page is three times bigger in size that it would be).
03.08.2002 English site content moved to
31.07.2002 A lot of work is done... Now next lot of work: to reorder all this stuff, and prepare for release..
20.07.2002 MPU6 released (alternate zombie included)
18.07.2002 Continued
15.07.2002 Tip: if your not too new videocard hardly can render my over-detailed models on just 15fps, try setting lesser value to the rend-model-distance console variable - it controls that treshold, beyond which all objects are drawn as sprites. (in jDoom 1.14 this is controlled by special slider in the control panel)
13.07.2002 Ok, I'll slow down my modelling efforts for a while: after few minuts of playing any 3d game my computer overheats and performs emergency shutdown. So, testing models in jDoom become a bit complicated. Unfortunately, the fan not helps me more - last days the weather become even warmer. :-(
03.07.2002 I've changed site layout and merged the main page with the download page - there are too many sites where are placed links directly to download page, and people would miss some important info from the main page. And, at last, what else to do here if not download?..
02.07.2002 MPU5 had been rearranged, to be compatible with the "official" MP2: now same content is split to 2 parts: monsters and items,which could be installed separately
01.07.2002 I'm releasing MPU5 and "More Blood!".
01.07.2002 What a joy! I'm back at last!
30.06.2002 But it still not works properly. Thanks to modem, I'm still on line.
29.06.2002 They repaired it...
22.06.2002 My cable ISP had been slightly toasted by lightning during the last thunderstorm - so, now I'm back on modem, and cannot sit in Internet permanently. Waiting when they'll repair network.
20.05.2002. My e-mail works again!
20.05.2002. SkyJake is back! Look for news on
19.05.2002: Another model: a big tree
19.05.2002. Mail not works again! Last week I cannot send and receive mail. I just hope, they'll soon repair that damn mail server...
02.05.2002. Mirrored models from "fourwinds"
23.04.2002. added link to Abbs' alternative models (look at Download Page)
22.04.2002. My e-mail address was changed!
22.04.2002. released The URIY's HUD BFG
08.04.2002. Added link to Abbspack v.2
21.03.2002. My modelling activity is paused till July
18.03.2002 In part 4 of MP2 found a bug (dead revenants were skinned incorrectly) - download ptch for it!
18.03.2002 released a set of test Doom2 movies (look for "Optional stuff" section on the download page)
18.03.2002 released another two pieces of MP2 (contain Doomguy and some monsters). Now almost all monsters are here except of lost soul and cacodemon which is work-in-progress
17.03.2002: Mail works again at last!!!
16.03.2002: It seems, that inside of my computer began the biker meeting. I have misgiving about the cooler...
13.03.2002 SkyJake said: "Some people have reported problems with the Fourwinds FTP server, mostly password-related. The deal is that no password is required but you must use the username "jfiles". There may be problems with GetRight and other such apps. At least plain old Internet Explorer downloads the files without problems."
13.03.2002: It's clear that I've been cursed, and will never have normally working mail... So, a new idea: I will publish mail answers on this site (as self-extracting archives with your e-mail as password) - so, if you don't want your friends to read it,  specify passwords for answers when you write to me..
13.03.2002: I've tried use free mailbox on mail. ru to answer some mails, But it works ugly: half of hour of efforts and only one mail sent among endless "connection reset by peer" and "document contained no data"...  So, still wait until I'll have time to re-create my dial-up connection...
11.03.2002: People, sorry that I’m not answer your mails (I really have to do 8 or 9 answers) and not update MP2, but reinstalling Windows from the scratch is a PAIN!.. And I should show good results in my main job, too…And I’ve lost my Netscape profile, all bookmarks, and forgot how to setup my mailbox to correct settings, and thus, cannot even access my mailbox…And, despite the LAN connection, I can send mails only by modem (due to LAN configuration problems), and that modem (manufactured when plug-n-play was still a rare curiosity) can use only IRQ5, that usually occupies the greedy and stupid videocard… So, now you have idea why I’m temporarily unable to answer mails..  So, please, wait until March 17th or something like this, O’key?..
05.03.2002: part 3 of MP2 is back
04.03.2002: part 3 of MP2 has been temporarily deleted from download list due to definitions inconsistence: it could conflict with future installations of jDoom. Wait a little, I will rewrite definitions and bring it back!
03.03.2002: released the third piece of MP2 (contains Arch-vile only).
02.03.2002. What a joy! Mail works again!
28.02.2002. There are problems with MTU mail server, so I cannot receive/answer mail.
27. 02.2002. BIG BUG in MP2 has been corrected
25.02.2002: released the first two pieces of MP2 (contains Doomguy and some monsters).
18.02.2002: added link to Abbs Alternative Weapon Pack (look at "Download" section)
14.02.2002: I'm busy at my main work, so things will be delayed. Though, I'll try release parts of MP2 in every 10 days. So, nothing new will appear till 24.02.2002! (And my answers to mails may be delayed too) P.S. I've released one model from MP2. Most useles one. Keen.
11.02.2002: I've added a new page, "Model designer's tools", for people, who wants to release alternate model packs, or improve existing models.
08.02.2002: Now all models for MP2 are ready, it's size will be about 4.5 Mbytes. All is left is to write definition scripts for more than 130 DooM][ objects... Not too hard work, but long and boring. I think, it will take about week or two...
05.02.2002: All stuff, now included to main model pack and MPUs 1..3, after rearranging and rewriting definitions will be named Model Pack 2 (MP2),  for jDoom1.12.1 or higher (surely, NOT for beta pre-release 1.12b1!).    Next update, that I will release for it, will be called simply: MPU4.
29.01.2002: SkyJake is about to make significant changes in game engine. It will have much cooler visual FX set, and thus, will allow much better models!.. But today's MPUs will be not suitable for it. So, releases of any new stuff will be delayed while I will rearrange models and prepare renewed MP2 for  future version of jDoom.
26.01.2002: "User's manual" section contains new info: how to play multiplayer games using LPT cable connection.
25.01.2002: My homepage renewed: new article added, and "look at Russia from inside" works now.
19.01.2002: Mirrored jDoom 1.10+1.11 patches
18.01.2002: Site was renamed and redesigned.
16.01.2002: MPU3 released.
14.01.2002: added detailed author information for each model, and approximate percentage of participation in final result.
26.12.2001: Rocket launcher vBETA.1.01
19.12.2001: Russian translation v0.91.